The everyday pleasures of food can overload our liver, which is responsible for filtering and detoxifying what we consume. To maintain its proper functioning, it is important to regularly include detoxifying foods in our diet.

The liver, an essential element of the digestive system, is the largest organ in the body. Here are the key foods to consume daily to cleanse this vital organ and boost its energy:


While it benefits the heart (though it can cause bad breath), garlic also helps eliminate toxins from the body. Consuming raw garlic is rich in selenium and allicin.


Avocados are rich in healthy fats, promoting liver regeneration after heavy or indulgent meals.

 **Green Tea**

It is recommended to drink one to three cups of green tea to « cleanse » the liver, avoiding overconsumption, which can harm the body. This beverage has draining properties, making it an excellent ally for detoxing.


Many nutritionists suggest consuming lemon juice in the morning, on an empty stomach, either diluted or not, with a bit of warm water. Lemon helps stimulate bile production, aiding in liver cleansing.


Walnuts contain glutathione and omega-3 fatty acids. People with liver issues or digestive problems are encouraged to eat a handful daily. Walnuts help partially eliminate ammonia, which is often linked to certain diseases.


This spice, widely used in Indian cuisine, helps treat liver disorders and offers detoxifying properties due to curcumin, a powerful antioxidant.


Grapefruit, like many citrus fruits, is rich in vitamin C, supporting the proper functioning of the body and its organs. It is recommended in diets as it helps eliminate fat and cleanse the liver.


Spinach contains antioxidants that help maintain liver health. It can be consumed cooked or as sprouts, mixed with broccoli, and sprinkled with rosemary for optimal results – the ideal blend to stimulate the body.


The presence of betacyanin gives beetroot its vibrant purplish-pink color. A glass of beet juice over two weeks improves blood circulation and eliminates toxins. It can also be eaten raw (diced or grated) with apples or cooked as a puree.


Artichokes are known for their liver-friendly properties as they are rich in cynarin, a compound that stimulates bile production and helps detoxify the liver. Whether steamed or served in salads, they assist in regenerating liver cells and improving digestion.