For many people, it's difficult to go without a cup of coffee in the morning. However, for some, it can do more harm than good if they have an intolerance.

Here are the signs that should alert you:


Coffee intolerance, more specifically to caffeine, the stimulating molecule present in this beverage, can manifest as palpitations.


Coffee tends to speed up digestion. If drinking coffee is associated with diarrhea, it’s likely that this hot beverage is not an effective ally.


An intolerance may manifest as insomnia. If you only drink one or two coffees a day and have trouble falling asleep, it might be necessary to stop.


Headaches are among the signs that should alert you. For some, coffee can relieve migraines, but for others, it might actually cause them.


Caffeine is a stimulant that can worsen and trigger anxiety in some people. If you notice an increase in your anxiety after consuming coffee, it could indicate an intolerance.