Many factors can cause brown stains on teeth. Often, they are due to tobacco use and certain dietary habits.

Here are the foods and drinks to avoid to keep your teeth white.

Coffee and Tea

To have a radiant smile, it is essential to reduce your consumption of coffee and tea. The tannins in these two hot beverages affect the « external » coloring of the teeth. The reaction on the enamel is the same as what you see in your mug. Therefore, it is important to rinse your mouth with clear water after a cup of tea or coffee, or brush your teeth.

Red Wine

The same goes for red wine. It contains not only tannin, natural chemical compounds, but also grape anthocyanins, pigments that give red wine its color and can cause unpleasant stains on the teeth.

Red Fruits

Red fruits (cherries, blackberries, blueberries, raspberries) have many benefits. They are notably powerful natural antioxidants. However, they also stain teeth. Red fruits contain pigments that tend to color the enamel. However, this does not mean you should stop consuming them entirely, as they are valuable allies for health.

Colored Sodas

The list also includes acids and colorants, as well as dark-colored sodas. To reduce damage and treat brown stains on the teeth, using micro-pulverized baking soda can be beneficial. Simply apply this white powder to your toothbrush.


Like red fruits, beets easily stain everything they touch, including teeth. They have several benefits. Beets contain vitamins, minerals, and nitrates that can help lower blood pressure. This vegetable also helps reduce the risk of cardiovascular diseases.