The sun is our only source of light on Earth, provided that we do not expose ourselves directly or for too long to its UV rays. It is a source of benefits that we must learn to take advantage of.

Vitamin D

While it is found in certain foods such as fatty fish, it is the sun that allows the human body to metabolize vitamin D. Indeed, it is the skin that synthesizes it under the effect of UVB rays. Vitamin D is important for fixing calcium and phosphorus, which are essential for bone health. Thus, it prevents osteoporosis in older people, promotes growth in the young, and strengthens the immune system.

Boosting morale

The relationship between lack of light and seasonal depression is known. Indeed, it is light that stimulates the production of serotonin, known as the "happiness hormone." This neurotransmitter is involved in regulating mood, sleep, and appetite.

Good sleep

Exposure to natural daylight in the morning helps regulate one's biological clock. The morning sun promotes the secretion of a hormone in the evening, melatonin, which facilitates falling asleep. It should be noted that one should not expose oneself too much to light at the end of the day, as this can delay the production of melatonin and thus sleep onset.

Be careful not to expose yourself too much to the sun, as the risk would be to get sunburned and damage your eyes without sunglasses.