To be healthy and maintain energy throughout the day, it's important not to neglect your sleep.

To have restful sleep, it's necessary to have a good lifestyle. Therefore, it's necessary to follow some tips:

  • Do not engage in sports in the evening.
  • Stop using screens one hour before going to bed.
  • Sleep in a quiet place.

Diet plays a major role in your sleep. Some foods facilitate sleep, while others keep you awake.

Sleep has benefits for our body, such as strengthening our immune system, regulating our mood, and improving our memory.

Moreover, it is advised for people suffering from insomnia to pay attention to what they eat. For dinner, consider incorporating foods that are easy to digest and low in fat for a good night's sleep.

Indeed, to have restful sleep, prioritize foods rich in tryptophan at the end of the day. The main foods containing this amino acid are:

  • Legumes (chickpeas, lentils)
  • Eggs
  • Banana
  • Fatty fish (sardines, salmon)
  • Whole-grain rice
  • Dried fruits (almonds, cashew nuts)

Bananas are an excellent solution for sleep disorders. Rich in tryptophan, they also contain minerals like potassium and magnesium, which are necessary for good sleep.

Sardines are an excellent ally for your sleep. A source of vitamin D and omega-3 fatty acids, these nutrients found in sardines guarantee a quick sleep onset and fewer nighttime awakenings.

To have excellent sleep quality, include legumes in your evening meals. These dried vegetables contain vitamin B6, essential for converting tryptophan into melatonin. Moreover, these vegetables provide a sense of relaxation that stimulates sleep onset.

For starchy foods, you can indulge in them in your evening meals. These carbohydrates speed up the production of serotonin (the happiness hormone) necessary for the secretion of melatonin (the sleep hormone).

Eggs are rich in vitamin B12 and choline; these substances improve symptoms of depression and other psychological disorders and promote better sleep. It's worth noting that vitamin B12 enhances the effect of melatonin (the sleep hormone). Eggs are also rich in tryptophan.

Almonds are rich in omega-3 and improve sleep. They contain magnesium, which promotes muscle relaxation and the secretion of melatonin. Eating a few almonds before bed can help you find sleep more easily.

Some plants can reduce stress and promote sleep. Among them, we find lime blossom, verbena, chamomile... Before going to bed, you can drink a herbal tea made from these plants to easily find sleep.

Moreover, some foods should be avoided in the evening for good sleep. Sleep and spicy foods do not mix well. They cause heartburn, which can disturb your sleep.

As a source of caffeine and other stimulants, dark chocolate is not recommended to consume before going to bed.

Avoid consuming stimulants like coffee, alcohol, and tea, which keep you awake all night.