France is trying to find its way in the conflict in the Middle East. Paris, through the voice of the President of the Republic, has delayed too long in taking a stance. Macron has wavered and maneuvered between untenable positions. After the attack on Israel on October 7, 2023, Emmanuel Macron wanted to form "a great international coalition" against Hamas. Today, he announces that France will no longer supply arms to Tsahal while its tanks have entered martyred Lebanon in pursuit of Hezbollah units. The response from the Israeli Prime Minister is very heavy, even humiliating for the French head of state: Netanyahu replied to Macron, "Israel will win with or without you; your shame will last long after our victory"... Something unprecedented. Macron's humiliation is total. Already during his visit to Lebanon, after the explosion of the Beirut port, Emmanuel Macron had been the subject of ridicule from many observers after his bombastic statements about the Lebanese situation, which highlighted his ignorance of the issue. His arrogance did not mask his incompetence regarding the Lebanese situation.

The response from the Israeli Prime Minister is very heavy, even humiliating for the French head of state

Lebanon and France have a long history of affection and closeness. Centuries have sanctified the strength of the bond between the two countries. The kings of France long played the role of protector of the Christian populations living in present-day Lebanon. "Since then, this old relationship has evolved without ever disappearing," writes Le Monde. "In the 14th century, France intervened militarily to defend the Maronites of Mount Lebanon—Christians—who were in conflict with another religious community, the Druze. Then, from the 1920s onward, present-day Lebanon became a French protectorate until its independence in the early 1940s." So many stories, joys, and tears. Every French president has visited the land of the cedar at least once during his term to revive and maintain the flame of a strong closeness: the French love the Lebanese. Their country inspires dreams for many French people. Its community, highly integrated in France, constitutes a wealth in the land of Voltaire and Rousseau. The Lebanese people, who have not been spared suffering, remain standing, resilient, with their eyes fixed on the future. An admirable pride of an entire people.

In this very difficult time for Lebanon, many French citizens watch helplessly and sadly as Lebanese land once again experiences war and the suffering of its entire people.