Right now, temperatures are very low. To maintain its core temperature at 37 °C, the body draws from its reserves. It is therefore essential to focus on proper nutrition. Here are some foods to prioritize to stay healthy and energized in cold weather.

Vegetable Soups

Soups are one of the best ways to warm up while staying hydrated. Adults are recommended to drink an average of 1.5 liters of water per day, and soups are an excellent way to achieve this.
A good vegetable soup, balanced with quick and slow sugars, is particularly beneficial. For example, you can combine carrots and turnips (sources of quick sugars) with leeks and onions (sources of slow sugars).

Dried Fruits

Dried fruits like raisins, apricots, or prunes are rich in minerals and are true allies against the cold. Nuts such as almonds, walnuts, and hazelnuts are also recommended for their omega-3 content, which promotes overall good health.

Dishes Combining Slow Sugars and Proteins

Combining slow sugars with proteins provides the body with sustainable energy, essential for maintaining its temperature. Foods like pasta, rice, lentils, chickpeas, or potatoes, paired with meat or fish, create the perfect foundation for comforting dishes.
For example, salmon pasta or risotto are great options for combating the cold. Although proteins have a higher thermic effect compared to carbohydrates or fats, it’s advisable to pair them with vegetables for better nutritional balance.

Plenty of Fruits and Raw Vegetables

Even in winter, it’s important to consume fruits and raw vegetables. While apples, bananas, and oranges might not seem particularly warming, they remain rich in essential nutrients. Citrus salads, kiwis, and cabbage are especially high in vitamin C, which helps fight fatigue and strengthens the immune system.

Tea and Coffee in Moderation

Tea and coffee, when consumed in moderation, can stimulate thermogenesis, the body’s heat production process. However, in excessive amounts, these drinks can increase stress hormone levels in sensitive individuals. It’s best to consume them in reasonable quantities. Recent studies also suggest that moderate coffee drinkers have a lower risk of premature death.


A few squares of dark chocolate provide a valuable dose of magnesium to combat fatigue. This mineral also helps support the immune system, which can be weakened during cold weather.