The BRICS group is preparing to hold its summit in the city of Kazan, located at the summit of the Caucasus, from October 22 to 24. This summit will see the participation of the nine member countries, namely Russia, China, India, South Africa, and Brazil (founding countries), as well as Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, and the United Arab Emirates (new members). A large number of other countries also aspire to join the organization, which aims to break unipolarity and establish a multipolar world, to the detriment of a system dominated by the United States.

It is worth noting that more than 40 countries have recently expressed their desire to join the BRICS, in a regional climate marked by great optimism about the establishment of economic mechanisms aimed at reducing the dominance of the dollar, amidst rising interest rates on the U.S. currency. Among these countries are Syria, which hopes to reap economic benefits from joining despite the Western blockade, and Algeria, which feels encircled by France and Morocco, with the latter growing closer to Israel by the day. As for Turkey, it is suffering from U.S. policies aimed at redrawing the geography of the Middle East.

Turkey's accession to the BRICS would be a compensation for its disappointment with the European Union, which refuses to grant it entry, as Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan declared. For Russia, this accession would be a serious blow to NATO, given that Ankara holds the second-largest military power within the Alliance after the United States. This Turkish rapprochement signifies a shift away from the West and toward the Eurasian orbit.

Under Russian leadership, the BRICS have strengthened strategic partnerships in the fields of trade, investment, innovation, technology, and social initiatives, to support the economic growth of member countries. The central and most important goal pursued by Moscow is the creation of a single currency for the group, as an alternative to the U.S. dollar, which has been the main pillar of U.S. global hegemony since the end of World War II. This single currency would deal a blow to American financial dominance around the world.

This could explain the sensitivity with which the United States is approaching the BRICS summit. The launch of a common currency would remove about 45% of the global economy from the sphere of influence of the dollar, which would cause a massive influx of capital into the U.S. market and push inflation higher throughout the Western world. Furthermore, it would weaken the financial hegemony of the U.S. established by the Bretton Woods Agreements, which founded the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank in 1944, thus cementing U.S. economic dominance after World War II.

This situation has not only alarmed American decision-makers but also enraged global financial elites, controlled by families based in the United States and the West, such as the Rothschild, Goldman, and Schiff families, who have seen their financial dominance, which began in the latter half of the 18th century, threatened by the declining influence of the dollar — the primary tool of financial capitalism’s dominance alongside the British pound.

This context has prompted Washington, and particularly the neoconservatives — spearheads of Zionist financial capital — to intensify their actions against the Eurasian bloc, particularly Russia and China. This has manifested in pressuring Ukraine to launch an offensive in the Kursk region and escalating tensions with China in East Asia. The most alarming point was the Israeli escalation against Lebanon about a month ago, with attacks on Hezbollah and the assassination of its military leaders, including its Secretary-General, Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah.

According to Russian philosopher Alexander Dugin, these events mark the beginning of a third world war. He claims that Israel, after committing genocide against civilians in front of the entire world, has launched a full-scale war against Lebanon. Just as the Israelis in Gaza preferred to pretend they were fighting Hamas instead of Palestinians, Netanyahu now talks of confronting Hezbollah while carrying out massive strikes against civilians in a sovereign country. This is indeed a war. The West fully supports this Israeli aggression against Lebanon. Dugin adds that on the Ukrainian front, the West is at war with Russia through Ukrainian Nazis, while fighting Shia Muslims through Israeli Nazis. The West is also ready to engage in a war against China with the support of Taiwanese Nazis, allying itself with India, Japan, and South Korea.

Thus, the world is currently at a turning point, symbolized by the BRICS summit to be held in Kazan, Russia. This summit is expected to make decisions that will accelerate the transition from a unipolar system to a multipolar one, marking the end of Western hegemony that began in the mid-18th century, as well as that of Zionist financial capitalism. This would explain the violent efforts by the United States, the neoconservatives, and Israel to slow down this transformation by intensifying conflicts in Ukraine, East Asia, and the Middle East.