After the school holidays, the new school year is fast approaching. Here are some tips to gradually get back into the rhythm.

To start off on the right foot, some recommendations can help both children and parents approach the new school year peacefully.

Adjust bedtime and wake-up times

To get back into the rhythm, it's important to resume good habits, particularly when it comes to sleep.

During the two weeks leading up to the start of the school year, to avoid sleeplessness the night before the big day, it is recommended to go to bed and wake up on average fifteen to thirty minutes earlier than during the holidays.

Check school supplies

To ensure nothing is missing on the first day, it is advisable to go over your child's school supplies using the provided list that mentions everything needed.

To avoid being caught off guard the night before school starts, if anything is missing, it's recommended to check everything at least a week before the big day.

Return to healthy eating habits

Summer is often associated with freedom and therefore indulgences. However, with the return to school, it is essential to get back into healthy eating habits, especially with specific meal times.

It is recommended to prioritize fruits and vegetables, as well as proteins and carbohydrates, without forgetting dairy products. All of this is to ensure your growing child doesn’t lack anything.

Engage in physical activity

The start of the school year is often the perfect time to enroll children in a sports club, whether it's for rugby, dance, judo...

In addition to having regular physical activity, this allows the child to discover a new sport. It also provides the opportunity to meet new people and break the daily school routine.

Feeling good about oneself

If not all children enjoy the start of the school year, it is important to make it as pleasant as possible. To please your children, don't hesitate to make purchases to refresh their wardrobe or visit the hairdresser for a new style.