The upcoming American presidential election will take place on November 7th. Donald Trump and Kamala Harris are neck and neck in the latest published polls. The former prosecutor turned Democratic candidate, following Joe Biden’s withdrawal, has a slight national lead. The momentum seems to be on her side ahead of the televised debate against the former American president. The first face-off is scheduled for September 10th, and it will be decisive.

Even though the polls are very close, it is noticeable that in some states, dubbed "key states" (swing states) because they can tip the election, Donald Trump holds a slight lead over Kamala Harris. Traditionally, these states determine the winner through the election of "electors" who indirectly elect the President of the United States on behalf of the people. According to the Ipsos institute, Trump is projected to receive 43% to 45% of the vote against the Democrat in seven key states: Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, Georgia, Arizona, North Carolina, Michigan, and Nevada.

This election campaign is, of course, being closely followed worldwide. The economic and geopolitical stakes will be crucial for the entire planet, particularly concerning the war in Ukraine or Gaza.

The interpretation of the ongoing polls is heavily influenced by the political leanings of the media in question! In France or Great Britain, the more left-leaning media are increasingly predicting a victory for Kamala Harris. They seem to forget, as they did during Trump’s first election, that it is the American people who vote, and they do not only live on the East or West coasts, which are largely Democratic strongholds! The heartland of America does not share this view.

Will Trump be seen as a man of the past? Will Harris, so often criticized by many American media for her inconsistency, transform into a "political genius"? The election will primarily answer these questions. However, there has been a noticeable shift in the Democratic candidate's recent speeches: community themes and the woke ideology, so dear to the globalist left, have been replaced by a more unifying message, less warm towards these leftist slogans that are ravaging American universities. Even the fight against climate change has taken a back seat in her early speeches… What are Kamala Harris’s true convictions on all these issues that fracture American society as they do in Europe?

Before answers to these questions are found, major American newspapers like The New York Times must also address a central question: why did they never investigate Biden’s health before his decision not to run for re-election? The signs of his faltering were numerous and varied. This newspaper, a champion of democratic transparency and intellectual honesty, owes answers to its readers worldwide.