With a second mandate at the head of the European Commission, what economic and diplomatic policies will Ursula von der Leyen implement?

As I predicted before June 9, 2024, it is pointless to vote in the European elections since everything has been locked by treaties for 30 years, and nothing will ever change unless there is a systemic shock in the West. So, it’s a repeat with Ursula von der Leyen as the all-powerful President of the European Commission, who will continue her downward spiral of "progressive" policies, subservient to the directives of the American Democratic Party. Thus, in the 2024-2029 strategic agenda aligned with the United States and pre-approved by the European Council on June 27, 2024, the economic policy will prioritize budgetary subsidies—currently in vogue—granted to the "EU Green Pact," unconditional financial support to Ukraine, and health measures against new "pandemics." These are pretexts to justify EU-level funding aimed at increasing its hegemony over already over-indebted member states to give the illusion of closing the GDP growth gap between the EU and the United States. In reality, the EU's accomplice heads of state and government buy citizen adherence to the Euro-Atlantic agenda, ironically funded by their own budget deficits (France’s EU budget in 2024: €26 to €29 billion), and then the over-indebted countries are punished by the European Commission for excessive deficits. The theoretical refinancing method would consist of mutualizing European capital markets and merging the banking system.

At the diplomatic level, the supremacist strategy of our "ally" the US involves the final absorption of EU defense into NATO. Thus, American arms sales to the EU have exceeded $150 billion since 2022. As for energy policy, the market shares once held by Russia in the EU have been transferred to the United States, at a much higher cost to consumers. The war in Ukraine is excellent for American business, including financiers like BlackRock's CEO, Larry Fink!

The ever-expanding enlargement of the EU and the Eurozone to new Eastern countries is necessary to mask the permanent decline in GDP in this area and the loss of influence of the euro currency.

Regarding legal and illegal immigration, a weapon of the New World Order, the EU aligned with the UN will never go back on the founding dogma of the single market and the free movement of people within the EU, especially since the 2019 victory of the "Marrakech Pact," which has become an area of EU competence. This "Asylum and Migration Plan" is the Trojan horse based on Coudenhove-Kalergi's "Paneuropean" plan, aimed, I believe, at the migratory submersion of indigenous peoples.

The federalist drift of the Commission is legion. Is this Europe delivering the Old Continent a bit more to its absorption into a worrying globalism?

The Old Continent is not being absorbed by the inevitability of globalization, but on the contrary, the EU's oligarchy (Young Global Leaders of the World Economic Forum) has been totally subjugated since 1992 in the macroeconomic war waged by the United States and their multinationals against their OECD partners, notably through the dominant role of the US dollar.

And precisely, the "federalist" agenda has long been desired by the Americans under the leadership of their consulting firm McKinsey, infiltrated into the Elysée. Since the 1950s, the final geopolitical goal, starting with Jean Monnet, was to build the "United States of Europe," without Russia! Indeed, there is reason to worry about our future. Moreover, to escape this hegemony of the G7 Western bloc, the non-Western world has proposed for the past three years an alternative "multipolar" world order, represented by the "BRICS+" bloc** in the form of an organization of 10 independent and cooperative countries with alternative circuits for goods and financial exchanges. Western Europe will thus be cut off from the rest of the world and reduced to a single market for American capital, businesses, and products.

Only 29% of candidates for European Commissioner positions to date are women, despite Ursula von der Leyen’s expressed desire to ensure gender parity in her second mandate at the head of the European Commission… The subject is on the table and captures most of the media's interest… But isn't the essential elsewhere?!!

You are absolutely right. What should count are the skills, experience, and probity of officials serving the general interest and the common good of the people, not nonsensical considerations of gender, religion, or race parity. It is fortunate that Valeurs Actuelles does not participate in this collective deception by the dominant media to divert the French people’s attention from the political perils that threaten them and the essential issues:

  • The economic collapse leading to final financial bankruptcy
  • The risk of military war in Europe due to the provocations of NATO warmongers
  • Submission to foreign Western interests
  • The EU's censorship of freedom of expression (e.g., Elon Musk - X's boss - and Commissioner T. Breton)

The French political situation has been blocked since the grand fiasco of the dissolution. What European policy should the next government and its next Prime Minister pursue?

This apparent blockage is part of the European Commission’s strategic project, since in France, foreign policy falls under the President of the Republic's jurisdiction. A puppet government will therefore be chosen by September 2024 to execute this EU policy. Yes, to avoid the risk of a return to free nations, the European Commission, along with E. Macron, will play the scenario hidden from the French until June 9 to validate by 2025 the institutional project of the "European Federation" through the EUROPEAN COUNCIL of the 27 Heads of State meeting in "Convention" to revise the Lisbon Treaty (based on Art. 48 TEU). This is a true coup d'état by the EU, with the betrayal of French leaders. All the texts were already voted on at the end of 2023 in total silence from politicians of all sides and the official media, by a resolution of November 22, 2023, in the European Parliament and then in the National Assembly by the treacherous deputies who embody the "Spirit of Abandonment of 40"! Legally, France will be a rump state split into regional "Eurodistricts" subservient to an all-powerful "European Federation" (e.g., Alsace, cf. Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle in 2019, then New Caledonia, Corsica,...) until the final disintegration of France! Macron follows the unilateral Euro-Atlantic agenda of his sponsors (US multinationals and AIPAC***). The European Commission will then become the government of the European Federation, and "denationalized" France will lose its permanent seat on the UN Security Council (replaced by the European Federation), and the national nuclear deterrent will be diluted in favor of the new "European Federation."

The geopolitical solution is France's independence within a Eurasian continent modeled after BRICS+ that respects nations, peoples, and their disparate cultures. All European countries do not have the same concerns: Germany needs labor, not France, which needs factories. Such a patriotic policy can only be carried out with the determined will of the people.

In your book (*2), you call for the Europe of Nations... is this patriotic sovereignty still relevant?

My book "Patriotism or Bankruptcy" is more relevant than ever to address the two vital political issues in Europe: • Peace, to prevent military war in Europe desired by NATO and EU warmongers. We must prevent the disappearance of the nation of France into the "European Federation." To avoid this betrayal and the programmed chaos of a so-called totalitarian UERSS regime, we will need to implement my AEN (Eurasian Alliance of Nations) project on the continent from the Atlantic to the Pacific, including Russia after peace. The political solution is the model of BRUXIT, that is, to remove the European Commission from Europe, but gently, unlike the radical Frexit project. How to do a BRUXIT? After the economic and monetary chaos, the French will need to elect a strong, credible patriotic Statesman to rebuild and implement this BRUXIT through renegotiation, thanks to a coalition of countries aligned with the multipolar model of BRICS+, thus restoring France’s independence in a reformed EU. For this EURASIA of PEACE, France must be diplomatically neutral to act as a mediator between the Western bloc (G7) and the BRICS+ bloc, in an international peace conference. And to rebalance its geopolitical status as a member state of international institutions such as the UN, IMF, WTO, OECD, World Bank...

*WEF: World Economic Forum

** Organization of 10 countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa + since 01.01.2024, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran), non-aligned with the G7, bypassing US dollar supremacy and American hegemony.

*** AIPAC: American Israel Public Affairs Committee.

(*1) Political Economist | Vice President of the National Circle of Economists | Former MEP | Financier of a French public institution.

(*2) Latest book: "PATRIOTISM or BANKRUPTCY." The Eurovision for Peoples. (Muller Editions)