Re-elected as the president of MoDem, the central figure of Macron's government and High Commissioner for Planning, François Bayrou is positioning himself for the 2027 presidential election in an increasingly unmasked manner !
The mayor of Pau still seems to believe in his chances... With a light touch, he delivers his well-aimed jabs at Emmanuel Macron and his ministers during his speech in Blois at the Jeu de Paume hall ! On France's colossal debt, on the costly pension reform, Bayrou is unmatched in giving lessons ! Yes, the horses are unleashed... Just as the race of the « little horses » for 2027 has begun ! « We need to rebuild, and that is done through growth. Growth must be the primary goal of public finances, and therefore priority must be given to investment... Now is not the time to break growth. »... Bayrou, while acknowledging the great difficulties of our public finances, gives a lesson: invest to create growth, by producing and finding ways to continue financing our social model ? !! That's Bayrou's simplistic idea... Except that we no longer have the means to invest in the future ! Our public debt, our budget deficit of 154 billion or 5.5% of GDP, our borrowing of nearly 300 billion euros, part of which is already used to pay the interest on this debt... The list is long and leads straight to a budgetary impasse. The left wing of Macron's government wants to open the debate to tax the « super profits » of companies but swears by all that is holy that they will not increase the taxes of the already heavily burdened French. We'll see.
Giving lessons, writing a book doesn't cost much and ultimately fuels the public debate... there is evidently a common point between François Bayrou and Bruno Le Maire, the French Minister of Finance... The High Commissioner for Planning and the Minister of Finance are « whistleblowers », but whistleblowers of hindsight and after-the-fact or after the costs !
But what the devil, didn't these two offer their solutions, their lessons, their speeches beforehand to prevent the French economy from hitting the wall? ? What the devil are these two economic leaders explaining to us today that they understood everything before everyone else !! The speech in Blois for Bayrou, the book « The French Way » for Le Maire !! Do the French, still voters, still believe in these political nonsense ?